
In a quarantine type situation you will only go to the hospital for dire, otherwise fatal injuries (and perhaps not even then). You will be your own ER. That means you need to be able to perform the basic functions and operations of an ER. This will require two main components: training and supplies.


Here's a video walking through the basics of wound care. It's not rocket science, but it does help to understand human physiology and how trauma is currently treated.


At this time I have two recomendation for basic reference works on medical emergencies for when you don't have access to hospitals. Nearly all medical literature presupposes that you will stabilize the patient and then get them to a trauma center/ER/hospital. If you don't have access to hospitals then you need different info. These books offer this at a pretty basic level.

First up is "Where There is no Doctor". This book is a very basic guide that handles trauma, dehydration, nutritional issues, child birth. It's written for aid workers operating in the third world; as such, it's nearly ideal for our planning purposes.

Second is the teaching manual for the Wilderness First Responder course. Normally, medical first responders perform a very limited role. Wilderness First Responders, however, have to assume that they may be without access to a hospital for up to a week. Even better than buying the book would be going through the course which is roughly a week long.


Listerine (or Betadine or other disinfectant/antiseptic), Kerlex (gauze), and medical tape can handle most small injuries, up to and including ones that need stitches. The Kerlex and tape can be used to fashion almost any bandage- bandaids, butterfly bandages, gauze pads, etc. You can use a 1% solution of betadine, or water and soap, to irigate a wound. A large syringe is best - you want some pressure so you are rinsing down into the wound.
The Israeli Bandage is a relatively economical ($7) trauma bandage incorporating gauze and compression wrap into a single unit. It can be applied one handed.

Super glue works for wound closure on small wounds - just don't squirt it into gaping wounds. It's not magical and having a mess of crystalized superglue down inside a wound won't help anything.

Tourniquets: for years these were considered a major no-no. Not any more. They are now recognized as critical lifesaving equipement, and are sometimes the only solution to wounds that have severed an artery. When the military first started using tourniquets they sometimes had to resort to using ratchet straps. These can work, if applied with a lot of caution (they can apply far too much force). There are also now purpose built tourniquets, which are far quicker to apply and are safer to boot. The CAT is one such model.

Medications: Asprin, Ibuprofin, Loperamide, BurnGel, etc.
Other Items: Sam Splint, Nitrile Gloves, CPR Mask, Emergency Blanket,  Irrigation Syringe, Trauma Shears
